Thursday, May 14, 2009

Elephantitus of the Garlic.

What is to follow, is in my oppinion, the closest thing to cullinary crack that there is next to tripple chocolate brownies covered in french vanilla ice cream. But that is for another show.

I will keep this one brief as I have to feed my minion soon, and if I don't get on that in the VERY near future, she is liable to start gnawing on my arm.

You will need:
*3 heads of elephant garlic
*an oven safe dish large enough to hold all of your soon to be elicit substance (Must be the same height as your garlic as well)
*Generic vegetable oil.

Lets Begin Shall We? It's easy I promise.

  • Cut the top little bit off the heads of garlic, being sure to expose the tops of each clove.
  • Stand the heads up in your cooking container and pour in the in the oil untill it covers the garlic
  • cover with foil and bake in an oven pre heated to 350 degrees
  • wait until your house smells like garlic (Possibly take a peek at it after half an hour or so. It should start to turn golden brown around the edges and be soft to the touch [DONT TOUCH WITH YOUR FINGER! IT'S HOT!!!!!!] I prefer the back side of a chopstick)
  • If it's not done at the 30 minute mark, keep checking every 10 minutes or so.
  • Once it's done remove the heads with pair of tongs and set them on a towel lined plate in the fridge to cool

I suggest also letting the oil cool and saving it in the fridge for later cooking use. Garlic Oil is YUMMY!!!

Once the garlic is cooled to the touch, break into it. Pressing from the bottom of the clove and squeezing out the gooey goodness like so much toothpaste from a tasty tube. Experiment with your application. Again folks, food is supposed to be fun, so go wild!!!

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